Red orchestra vietnam steam charts
Red orchestra vietnam steam charts

  1. Red orchestra vietnam steam charts mod#
  2. Red orchestra vietnam steam charts update#
  3. Red orchestra vietnam steam charts upgrade#

Performance improvements:A considerable number of performance improvements have been implemented for this update, to player characters, particle effects, level optimizations, changes to the Instanced Rendering system, a new set of weapon LODs and a set of changes to textures, with an emphasis on improving how texture streaming is handled. 50-caliber heavy machine gun will appear as a static support weapon in the new maps.

  • Fougasse mine - a new trap for the Northern Sappers to use, this is basically a large improvised explosive device, detonated unwary Southern players standing on a pressure plate.
  • Deployable DShK - players on the North Vietnamese team will be able to pick up a DShK 12.7mm heavy machine-gun from a resupply point, carry it to a new location and deploy it wherever they need it.
  • 200-round belt for the RPD - this new variant will be selectable from the Role Select menu.
  • MP40 - the famous German sub-machine gun from WW2, issued to the NLF from Soviet stockpiles of captured weapons.
  • Red orchestra vietnam steam charts update#

    With this, the 12th free content update in 18 months, we are bringing you a long list of performance improvements, audio occlusion, new weapons for the North Vietnamese forces, new maps, new heads - and a specific community request. Helicopter Aiming decoupled from the vehicle rotation.Campaign Role and Weapon Balance changes.Radiomen can now spawn on their commander.

    red orchestra vietnam steam charts

    Molotov cocktail - the classic homemade weapon of guerilla forces the world over.MAS-49 - stocks of this semi-automatic rifle were left behind by the French and were used by the Northern forces in standard, sniper and rifle-grenade formats.RP-46 light machine gun - a modernized variant of the classic DP-28, also license-built in China and North Korea, with stocks being supplied to the North Vietnamese.This update brings in some new weapons for the Northern forces: Saigon - PAVN forces fighting their way through Saigon, past the US Embassy, the cathedral and on to the Presidential palace, as ARVN troops try to hold them off.

    red orchestra vietnam steam charts

    The third map is a favorite community map made official: Demilitarized Zone (remastered from “Mamayev”) - main-force North Vietnamese PAVN troops assaulting dug-in ARVN units, across a burned-out and blasted hill in the DMZ area.Apache Snow (remastered from “Winterwald”) - ARVN forces fighting their way steadily up a heavily-wooded hill, clearing NLF positions as they go.The last 2 remastered maps brought forward from RO2/RS1: Update 13 - Phoenix Rising!This is now the 13th content update for you, bringing: 3 New Maps

    Red orchestra vietnam steam charts upgrade#

    All revenue from that Upgrade is shared with the Green Army Men team to support their efforts! For the full details of the Green Army Men DLC and it’s availability, see here:

    Red orchestra vietnam steam charts mod#

    And if, like us, you want to help support the Green Army Men developers (who are a mod team, building all of this in their spare time) you will be able to go and buy the Green Army Men Upgrade, which unlocks the other classes for you. Once it is released, all owners of Rising Storm 2: Vietnam will be able to play for free, using the base Rifleman class. Green Army Men: In addition, we will be taking the Green Army Men mod official, as a single DLC download, in the near future.

  • Da Nang - in another “what-if” scenario, the NLF guerillas breach the defenses of the huge Da Nang Air Base, with the USMC defenders trying to hold them back.
  • Khe Sanh - with this map, we play out the “what if” the PAVN forces had succeeded in penetrating the perimeter and the fighting had spilled over onto the airfield itself, as the USMC fight to hold the attackers at bay.
  • red orchestra vietnam steam charts red orchestra vietnam steam charts

    Within Vietnam itself, you will get: 2 new maps - the “Airbase Special”: Update 14 - Summer Holiday UpdateWith our 14th update, we are bringing you both new content for Vietnam AND setting up for a completely new addition - Green Army Men will be going official! Green Army Men! Green Army Men: The Green Army Men mod is now available as DLC to play with Rising Storm 2: Vietnam! For the full details of the Green Army Men DLC and it’s availability, see above! It is turkey time, so we have a Green Army Men update for you all, with new weapons and the opportunity to fight over Thanksgiving dinner.

    Red orchestra vietnam steam charts